Saturday, 16 April 2011

My Week In A Nutshell #2

image courtesty of weheartit

  • So as you can tell by the image I haven't been very well. I had a 24 hour bug/bad case of food poisoning. It hasn't quite left my system, as I have very little appetite, I make a meal and can only eat a few mouthfuls, so by this I'm guessing the bug is still in my system. Due to this I've decided to detox and just stay on liquids for 2 days, so it's fresh juice, water, and green tea for me. To be honest I think my body needs it. My health has been somewhat of a worry in the past few months, since leaving the family home and setting off to Uni, I've had nothing but bad health, from stomach bugs, migraines, chest infections, you name it I had it. I've also previously posted about wanting to loose weight, I've not really had the drive to if I am totally honest, but I think it's due to being so ill I need to do it, for my health and for my satisfaction. I am considering setting up a seperate blog, sharing my progress and even recipes etc. I think doing this will also give me the drive to do it. 
  • I have realised I don't use a lot of my own images, I think it's mainly because I want to blog, but it's finding what to blog about. As I haven't worn make up in over a week, I've not been taking any photos of myself, so there's nothing to post. But definately watch this space. I have a small haul post, and maybe whats in my travel make up bag post coming up
  • Most of my week has been taking up by revision, I'm close to sitting my first lot of exams at University, and I'm really nervous, I think I am so nervous because I pay for this education, and I don't want to let myself, or my parents down, so I want to pass really well so I may be a little MIA in the next few weeks just while I get them under my belt. Recently I have also looked into doing an evening 24 week make up course, but the amount it costs is shocking, so I am unsure what path I am taking, I still want to be involved in majke up but I am going to wait and see how my degree goes I think. 

What has your week been filled with?

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Eyebrow Envy

I bet you're wondering "Beth, what the hell is this blog post about!?"
Well, it simply is, that I not only want, but NEED better eyebrows. I've had them waxed, but my skin is so sensitive that it reacts to it, and I have irritated skin and a really bad break out. I then decided to have them threaded, this was okay for a period, but I wasn't happy with how they were shaped, and they were so thin, which with my face shape, just looked dreadful. I then 'kept up' with my eyebrows by tidying them by plucking them, but I wasn't happy, my eyebrows had very little arch, as they looked flat. After looking at a number of bloggers, I saw so many girls who had the shape eyebrows I am after. I also looked through images of celebrities, and I now am aiming to grow out my eyebrows completely and start a-fresh (not that i'm happy with this, and also, if you see photos of me coming up, it's a pre-warning of how unruly they will be haha)
Just a couple of images to show what I am aiming for

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

To begin, no I am not shaving my hair off. (yet there are days I do feel like it), but I do want to change my hair drastically. I'm sick of having dark hair, I always do this, and I never do anything about it, but I have decided that while I am home I am going to take the plunge and begin to lighten my hair. My old hair salon I used to go to, used to charge £100 or more for a full head of highlights but I've done some research, and a really cute hair salon has opened up who do a full head for £61, so I've decided to just go for it, as I think at that price it's worth a go, and the hair salon has other branches which have won various awards.

This probably best shows the colour of my hair at the minute, (excuse the drunken posing, rubbing of fake tan, it was towards the end of the night this photo for my house mates birthday haha). I've looked at a few celebs whose hair I really like and I'll add a few images of the the sort of shade I want to achieve by summer time hopefully.

Mary-Kate Olsen

Jennifer Lopez

Lily Donaldson

I'll document my 'hair journey' over the coming weeks as I go home for a few weeks next week. 
Anyone else out there changing their hair in the coming season?

Sunday, 3 April 2011

My Week In A Nutshell

I have been pretty MIA since I started my blog, I just didn't have the heart for it for a long time, I was settling into University, and I also had a few things going on in my personal life, but, I am back, with a new outlook and I am definately going to start making a point of posting every few days. I've enjoyed reading weekly updates, so I've decided to jump on the bandwagon, I don't want to use the same titles, hence the 'in a nutshell' title. I won't stick to one day either, as I am travelling between Manchester and Belfast in the next week, and throughout forseeable months, so I will post when I can, it may end up being a Sunday, but I won't promise to a certain day of the week. 
  • This week was  my final week of lectures at University, I am unsure if you know but I study Events Management degree, and I'm only in my first year, and I honestly can't believe how fast the time has gone. I remember the day I moved to University, and feeling incredibly homesick, and now I'm loving where I live and I'm looking forward to the rest of my years here. I'm just not looking forward to my end of year exams though, as I'm not the best person at exams, I get so nervous. 
  • This week has also been a tough one for finding a job, but I have been given a few office hours in my dad's place of work, which I'm really grateful for, as I am in desperate need of the money at the minute with paying for my house for next year. 
  • I have decided to make a drastic change in my hair, I really want to go lighter, think Kimberley Walsh, but I will be doing a post about this in the next few days. As I've had a bit of a dye dilemma, where I put a brown on my hair and it has gone pretty much black, which I definaltely didn't want! So I am thinking of using 'Colour B4' which I've seen a few people using online, and I've read a few mixed reviews on it. I also want healthier hair, so I'm going to have a good chop when I go home, and I'm also going to use a new hairdressers as my old hairdressers has become incredibly overpriced. 
  • I am still trying to loose weight, but being at University I am finding it hard, I've been swimming a couple of times, and I've also invested in a couple of workout DVD's, this is also a post I will be doing in the future, when I start to take losing weight a lot more serious I will post about it and my progress.
  • Finally, I have decided to stop buying certain make up for a while, I need to use up things like Mascara and Foundation, I don't mind having a collection of blushers, bronzers and eyeshadows, I have seen the new MAC Collection "Quite Cute" and I really want a few items from that, so I may look into it next week if there's anything left. 
B. x