image courtesty of weheartit
- So as you can tell by the image I haven't been very well. I had a 24 hour bug/bad case of food poisoning. It hasn't quite left my system, as I have very little appetite, I make a meal and can only eat a few mouthfuls, so by this I'm guessing the bug is still in my system. Due to this I've decided to detox and just stay on liquids for 2 days, so it's fresh juice, water, and green tea for me. To be honest I think my body needs it. My health has been somewhat of a worry in the past few months, since leaving the family home and setting off to Uni, I've had nothing but bad health, from stomach bugs, migraines, chest infections, you name it I had it. I've also previously posted about wanting to loose weight, I've not really had the drive to if I am totally honest, but I think it's due to being so ill I need to do it, for my health and for my satisfaction. I am considering setting up a seperate blog, sharing my progress and even recipes etc. I think doing this will also give me the drive to do it.
- I have realised I don't use a lot of my own images, I think it's mainly because I want to blog, but it's finding what to blog about. As I haven't worn make up in over a week, I've not been taking any photos of myself, so there's nothing to post. But definately watch this space. I have a small haul post, and maybe whats in my travel make up bag post coming up
- Most of my week has been taking up by revision, I'm close to sitting my first lot of exams at University, and I'm really nervous, I think I am so nervous because I pay for this education, and I don't want to let myself, or my parents down, so I want to pass really well so I may be a little MIA in the next few weeks just while I get them under my belt. Recently I have also looked into doing an evening 24 week make up course, but the amount it costs is shocking, so I am unsure what path I am taking, I still want to be involved in majke up but I am going to wait and see how my degree goes I think.
What has your week been filled with?
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